Sunday 16 May 2010

Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2 the new superhero movie is making some noise at the box office both here and across the pond. Robert Downey Jr. reprised his role and added his likeable factor to the film. He is great at adding a likeability factor and a certain comedic twist to most roles. His performance was solid and yet I felt myself yearning for more from this unbalanced film.

New plotlines were introduced such as Tony Stark's impending doom from his life threatening injuries (introduced in the first film). This went nowhere and I felt this area was dealt with quickly and resolved with no problems and not really needed in the movie. Terrence Howard's replacement with Don Cheadle seemed unnecessary confusing and I at the start began to think a new character was introduced, but no an ancting replacement. The main villain, played by Mickey Rourke, was menacing and yet seemed the easiest super-villain a hero has ever fought, with the two main fights between Iron Man and him lasting no longer than five minutes. Finally the induction of Sam Jackson and Scarlett Johansson seem premature and pointless as combined their screen time a massed all of 10 minutes.

If you look at this film as a single entity it is rather poor, but if you look at it as a set up to the Avengers movie than the new character inductions seem useful. So view it as this not as a sequel to Iron Man but to a prequel to the Avengers, but it still won't grab you and the movie won't stay in your mind for long.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Introduction and Up

This blog is where I intend to review movies I have seen, they may be new films just out at the Box Office, or old ones that I wish to comment on.

Now in my view Up was one of the finest movies released in 2009. Despite it being animated it was one film which really affected me in the year. On the face of it, it is about an old man, who has recently lost his wife, who goes on an adventure in his floating house with a young, rotund child, however it turns out to be far more. The first twenty minutes of the film is one of the most moving sequences I think I have seen in film. It continues in a more light-hearted manner but throughout it will move you.

In essence the movie is about two lonely people connnecting over an adventure. Now in my view this is Disney/Pixar's best ever film. Don't get me wrong I love the Toy Story movies,, Finding Nemo, Monster;s Inc. and The Incredibles, but since the old days of The Lion KIng and such like Disney has failed to capture emotion and delight of thse sorts of films. Up is one of the all time Disney greats in my view and when you see it, and I extremely recommend that you do I think you will agree with me.